Weekly Energy, How your Intuition Communicates & How to Take Action towards your Dreams this January

In today's episode, Linda shares a channeled energy update for the first two weeks of January and what you need to know to best work with this energy, to realise your vision, goals & dreams for 2024. Listen in to discover why tuning into your intuition is key this week and to learn the ways your intuition speaks to you. You'll also hear a personal story that illustrates why things not going the way you planned or wanted them to can actually be a blessing in disguise and lead you to where ...

Om Podcasten

The LOV Co. Podcast is for the heart-guided, curious & passionate souls who want to step into their true, highest self, elevate their inner energy & create their dream reality.In the podcast your host Linda shares channeled guidance, energetics and practical tools on everything from soul purpose to spiritual entrepreneurship, mindset, healing, inner work, money, manifestation and so much more.Linda is a psychic channel, energy intuitive and a spiritual & business mentor who has worked with thousands of clients from all over the world through her signature Soul Essence Readings™️, 1:1 & Group Mentorships and online Masterclasses. Her mission with The LOV Co. podcast is to guide, inspire and empower you on your journey to creating your most abundant and soul-aligned life.