The 7 Shadow Outlets for Stress
This podcast episode focuses on 7 of the shadow outlets that people turn to in times of stress and fear and what they can try instead. Quarantine and COVID exacerbate these tendencies while people are shut-in because they need to have an outlet for their suffering. I've structured these shadow outlets according to the 7 deadly sins, even though I do not resonate with their being sins. This episode covers: -Pride- and how it goeth before a fall -Greed- how we use material possessions to ground us -Lust- why people may have emotional or sexual affairs -Gluttony- How a desire to consume food, alcohol, or drugs can overtake us and become extreme ways that we find comfort or love substitutes -Wrath- how anger gets inflamed towards loved ones as an outlet -Sloth- how extreme passivity and 'checking-out,' does not allow us to be present and to use our gifts -Envy- How the desire to possess what others have takes our eyes off our own paper and doesn't allow us to possess an attitude of gratitude for who we really are -How stress impairs our lives Other desirable outlets to de-stress us: -coloring books, naps, nature, pets, speaking to friends, exercise, journaling, laughing, creative acts, deep breathing, meditation, reading, cooking, learning, prayer. Other Resources for Extreme Cases of Stress/Distress: -Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990 -National Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 800-273-TALK -National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233 To do relationship coaching with Dr. Sherman, check out her website For Paulette's related book on challenging your negative thinking, you can pick up a copy of, 'The Gremlin: 10 Tools to Shush that Negative Voice in Your Head.' Much love to you!