LCCP036: Dave Feldman Challenges Everything We Think We Know About LDL Cholesterol.

Dave Feldman brought down the house yet again with a rousing presentation at Keto Con 2018. In his presentation, he postulated that a subset of LCHF individuals, which he terms Lean Mass Hyper Responders (LMHRs), are unknowingly changing the world of cholesterol.   Traditionally we are taught that any elevation of LDL cholesterol leads to heart disease. Not so fast, says Dave. In this episode, we discuss why this does not apply to LMHRs and what that means for LCHF individuals and what it means for the medical world as a whole. We also discuss how recent PCSK9i drug trials prove his point, even though contemporary medicine promotes them with an opposite conclusion. Sound confusing? Well, it isn’t once you hear Dave explain his case.     Once again, Dave brings his passion, his engineering mindset, and his intellectual honesty to the table for a rousing interview that is sure to cause a stir among old-school doctors and lipidologists. You don’t want to miss this one!

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Welcome to The Low Carb Cardiologist Podcast! We aim to be your go-to source for accurate and cutting-edge information to help you achieve your best health ever! Led by Dr. Bret Scher, a practicing cardiologist with over 20 years of clinical experience, we are going to help you explore evidence based, practical information and dive deeper into the controversies as it relates to your health and your healthcare.