Can You Be Rich and Spiritual?

Hey there, Lucky Bee!

Today, we’re looking at a mindset issue that’s so fundamental, many of us don’t even think about questioning it.

It’s the idea that you can either be rich OR spiritual – but never both.

In reality, you can be any kind of rich person you want. You just need to declutter the assumptions about being wealthy that so often create money blocks, and then decide who you want to be.

(Not quite sure who that is? Check the link at the end of this post for an awesome free meditation that will help you figure that out.)

Ready to blow your assumptions about being rich out of the water? Let’s do this!

Om Podcasten

Denise Duffield-Thomas is a coach and motivational speaker who helps exceptional women create outrageous success. Her book "Lucky Bitch" is a practical and fun take on the law of attraction and what it really takes to manifest your wildest dreams.