If you're a fan of Nasty Nellie this is the episode for you. Lies, deceit, and the wheelchair push heard round the world. Plus Matt "accidentally" puts Meg's jeans in the kids drawer and a biker gang helps out a little girls lemonade stand.

This is the one that spawned a thousand memes.  Nellie hurts herself falling off her horse.  She's a little banged up but otherwise ok.  Never the one to let the truth get in the way of opportunity though,  Nellie fakes being paralyzed in order to gain the sympathy of everyone in Walnut Grove.  Her plan works for a while but ultimately Laura finds out and gets her revenge in one of the all time classic Little House scenes.

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Join a couple modern day parents as we watch and discuss every episode of Little House on the Prairie, and try not to feel like parenting failures in the process. If you’re in search of a simpler time or just a break from the craziness that is 2020 and beyond, you’ve come to the right place.