Monster of Walnut Grove Laura catches Nels chopping "Harriet's" head off and hilarity ensues due to Nels super creepy behavior. Plus we recap our chat with Patrick Labyorteaux aka Andy from Little House.

It's Halloween night and some weird things are happening in Walnut Grove.  Laura thinks she sees Nels chop Harriet's head off.  Nels doesn't help things by acting super creepy and things deteriorate from there.  Plus we recap our chat with Patrick Labyorteaux aka Andy from Little House.  Plus plus Meg has a new "cheesecake" recipe.

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Join a couple modern day parents as we watch and discuss every episode of Little House on the Prairie, and try not to feel like parenting failures in the process. If you’re in search of a simpler time or just a break from the craziness that is 2020 and beyond, you’ve come to the right place.