The Fourth Annual Beskies Award Show

It's that time of year again! Join Children of the Watch as we give out the Beskie Awards for all the shining stars of Star Wars TV! This year, we'll be recapping the best moments from both The Mandalorian Season 3, as well as Ahsoka! It's our favorite way to relive the highest highs of everything we got from the Star Wars galaxy this year.  Thanks so much for your support during our coverage of Ahsoka, we'll be back again soon enough to cover the next Star Wars series, so make sure you're subscribed to our feed! for 50% off for your first order!

Om Podcasten

Children of the Watch is the number one podcast in the galaxy for all things Star Wars live action television, formerly The Mandalorian Watch. A positive, upbeat after show for Star Wars television. Join your hosts Alex Maxwell and Mac Lacey after each episode as we break it down with in depth analysis and commentary, as well as your hotline calls! Your number one spot for all things Star Wars TV! (205)259-6675 Voicemail Hotline Twitter and Instagram: @CotWatch