Another Civil War?: A Conversation with Author Stephen Marche

Thousands of Americans now reject the American experiment and are actively trying to tear the country apart. White nationalists have infiltrated just about every community, seriously armed, and can be found in towns and cities across the United Stares. Marianne discusses all of this with author Stephen Marche who details the problems we face in his frightening new book, “The Next Civil War: Dispatches from the American Future.” For more information visit and

Om Podcasten

People are ready to go deeper, be more truthful, and face challenges that confront us in more meaningful ways. We need to talk about causes and not just symptoms, face some inconvenient truths, and have more than prepackaged conversations among us. One question weaves through The Marianne Williamson Podcast - how did we get to where we are, and how can we change things now?