Freeing Jesus: A Conversation with religious scholar Diana Butler Bass

“Get me out of here.” Five simple words religious scholar Diana Butler Bass heard repeatedly while sitting in a pew at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. But why? And who was whispering this to her?  Jesus. And she writes about why in her latest book, Freeing Jesus: Rediscovering Jesus as Friend, Teacher, Savior, Lord, Way, and Presence  Diana and Marianne discuss what Jesus means to them individually and the importance of freeing him from the confines of doctrine and dogma. As Diana says, “When I think of Jesus I think of wisdom. I think of embodied compassion. I think of this incredible vision of justice.” More at  For more info about Diana visit

Om Podcasten

People are ready to go deeper, be more truthful, and face challenges that confront us in more meaningful ways. We need to talk about causes and not just symptoms, face some inconvenient truths, and have more than prepackaged conversations among us. One question weaves through The Marianne Williamson Podcast - how did we get to where we are, and how can we change things now?