The Privatization of Everything: A conversation with author Donald Cohen

Should government be run like a business? No, says Donald Cohen, the founder and executive director of In The Public Interest and author of the book “The Privatization of Everything: How the Plunder of Public Goods Transformed America and How We Can Fight Back"   In this episode, Marianne & Donald go deep into the insidious ways that private industry exerts undue influence on our government. These interests “strip public goods of their power to lift people up, creating instead a tool to diminish democracy, further inequality, and separate us from each other.” For more information visit and   

Om Podcasten

People are ready to go deeper, be more truthful, and face challenges that confront us in more meaningful ways. We need to talk about causes and not just symptoms, face some inconvenient truths, and have more than prepackaged conversations among us. One question weaves through The Marianne Williamson Podcast - how did we get to where we are, and how can we change things now?