44. Fleet Trainer : Overview, Responsibilities, challenges, Career advices for Seafarers (Steyn Bartels)

Overview of the role of Fleet Trainer with Steyn Bartels, Ex-Seafarer and Fleet Trainer @Anthony Veder Throughout our discussion, we explored the essential aspects of the role a Fleet trainer offering insights and advice for aspiring professionals and Seafarers. Feel free to explore this engaging episode where we cover the following key topics: 1️⃣ Overview, Role and Responsibilities as Fleet Trainer 2️⃣ Challenges working as a Seafarers 3️⃣ Tips and advices for Seafarers 4️⃣ Training Provided in fleet training 5️⃣ Getting Started a career at sea The maritime vision social media and podcast link : https://linktr.ee/themaritimevision

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Interviews with maritime professionals, experts, and students. In each episode, we engage with guests from various backgrounds, including Shipping, Yachting, Supply Chain, Offshore, and more. We explore their career journeys, personal stories, and gain valuable insights and advice from their experiences in the maritime industry.