How The IMF Is Weaponized Against The People | Alex Gladstein

Now most of you know that inflation steals your purchasing power, making things more expensive and harder and harder to live. But what you don't know is how the global financial system is being used today to create an almost modern day slavery holding down entire nations on purpose. It's an amazing story and journey that I'm sitting down with Alex Gladstein to discuss. He's the author of the brand new book titled 'Hidden Repression', as well as the Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation. We're going to break down how the World Bank and the IMF and the US dollar is being used to enslave and to hold entire nations down how these old, archaic systems are responsible for the poor living standards for so many.  Then we discuss new tools, new options that these nations have right now today to free themselves, and so much more.See for privacy information.

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In 'The Mark Moss Show,' we delve into the intricate worlds of Bitcoin, investing, business, and macroeconomics. Mark Moss, a seasoned investor and cryptocurrency expert with over 25 years of experience in building prosperous business and investment portfolios, explores the intersections of finance, economics, and politics. We discuss everything from the impacts of Federal Reserve policies and inflation on the global economy to the dynamics of Bitcoin investing. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for financial market insights, a Bitcoin enthusiast eager to deepen your understanding, or an investor keen on optimizing your investment strategy in this ever-evolving financial landscape, this podcast is your resource. Subscribe today to stay updated on the financial world's shifting currents and to capitalize on the opportunities presented by these changes.