The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#53 - How to maintain your physical, mental, and spiritual health in the face of covid - with Derek Veregen, Fitness Professional and Freedom Fighter

In today’s program we are speaking with a fellow world traveler, health and fitness professional, and spiritual explorer, Derek Veregen. Derek has spent the last 11 years in the health and fitness industry where he has specialized in optimizing his clients physical and mental health. He is a conscious creator and educator, and out of necessity, he has recently assumed the role of freedom fighter. Today we will be discussing the current world situation unfolding around us, and what you can do to maintain your physical, mental, and spiritual health in the face of the challenges that we are all experiencing. To learn more about Derek and his work, please visit: @spiritual.beefcake @itsmederekv

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KNOWLEDGE IS POWER - ARM YOURSELF WITH IT! Thank you for listening - you didn’t have to but you did! EMAIL - - to subscribe This podcast seeks to separate the truth from propaganda in the field of natural sciences and human health. Here you will find a hard-hitting analysis and commentary covering a number of prescient topics. It is not enough to simply complain about our problems, and therefore this program aims to find modern solutions to the issues facing all of us.