The MARTINZ Critical Review - Ep#80 - Covid-19 lockdown costs to benefits; a critical assessment - with Professor Douglas Allen, PhD Economics
In today’s program we continue our series on the conservation of humanity, furthering our exploration of the wuhan flu covid-19 scamdemic, focusing on a detailed cost to benefit analysis of the lockdown measures in Canada. Joining us today is Dr Douglas Allen. Dr. Allen is an economics professor at the Burnaby Mountain campus of Simon Fraser University. His research in the field of Institutional Economics spans four main areas: transaction cost theory, agriculture, family, and history. He is the author of two popular undergraduate microeconomic theory textbooks, several other academic books, and over 70 articles. His most recent book, The Institutional Revolution: Measurement and the Economic Emergence of the Modern World, won the ISNIE 2014 Douglas C. North Award for the best Institutional Economics book published in the past two years. Since 2004 Prof Allen has been a senior consultant for Delta Economics Group in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he provides consulting on cases related to family law, discrimination, intellectual property, and anti-trust matters He has also lectured internationally at several colleges and universities, including the Giblin lecture at the University of Tasmania, and the Janis Lecture at Brown University. To learn more about Prof Allen's recent report or his work in general, please visit: