73: Putin On The Ritz #Nerd Avengers
With the midterm elections only 5 weeks out, Mary Trump summons #NerdAvengers Wajahat Ali, Danielle Moodie, Jen Taub, Cliff Schechter, Charlotte Clymer, and Brian Karem to lay out the messaging needed to win. Can Democrats focus on our shared humanity, go on offense to combat Republicans’ escalating war on our rights, get out the vote, and share a positive vision of the future in time? The Mary Trump Show Live In Los Angeles 10/21/22 @ Dynasty Typewriter 2511 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90057 Tickets ‘Ask Mary Anything’ Email: MARY@POLITICON.COM This Week’s Nerd Avengers: Cliff Schechter- Twitter | Blue Amp Strategies | YouTube | UnPresidented Podcast | Author Charlotte Clymer Jen Taub- Twitter | Western New England University School of Law | Website | Author of “Big Dirty Money” Brian Karem- Twitter | Just Ask The Question Podcast | Author Danielle Moodie- Twitter | Woke AF Daily | DCP Entertainment | Daily Beast | Democracy-ish | Medium Wajahat Ali- Twitter | Daily Beast | Website | | Democracy-ish | Author of “Go Back To Where You Came From” Charlotte Clymer- Twitter | Substack | LPAC Please Support This Week’s Sponsor BrickHouse Nutition’s Field Of Greens: To get 15% off your first order of powerful green filled nutrition, plus an additional 10% off when you subscribe, go to fieldofgreens.com and use promo code: MARY