Session 32 - San Diego Pain Summit Preview, with Rajam Roose
A 3-day conference in San Diego, during a wet and miserable February back home in England? Where do we sign up?! Yes, Matt has managed to finagle his way to attending the 2022 San Diego Pain Summit - but what is it, and why is it such an important conference? Rajam Roose, former massage therapist and founder and CEO of The San Diego Pain Summit, joins The Massage Collective to fill us in on the history of the summit - how it grew from the need for an event where participants could learn clinically relevant applications of pain research, how getting the first years Keynote speaker (Lorimer Moseley!) was a game changer, how the evening hot tubs and fire-pits result in amazing connections (we're looking at you Adam Meakins & Ben Cormack's Better Clinician Project!), plus how this years summit is shaping up to be the most interactive yet - whether you are there in person or joining online from the comfort of your sofa. The back catalogue of talks hosted on the SDPS website is worth its weight in gold, but the aspect that makes this summit so unique is the opportunity for attendees and speakers to network and learn from each other in a relaxed atmosphere like no other. We highly recommend joining the virtual conference! You can contact Rajam and find out more here; Facebook Twitter