S02 E06: Sustainability Influencer & Blogger, what's that like? With Shanice Tadeo

Hello Master Podders!  Join us in this week's episode where Olivier talks with Shanice Tadeo about sustainable fashion and her work at eversoslow.com , a sustainable fashion blog. We explore the concepts of slow fashion, of minimalism and discuss the state of the current fashion industry!  Shanice is also a member of Ethical Influencers and writes extensively about fair and sustainable fashion and lifestyles. You can find her on Instagram @eversoslow

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We interview masters of sustainable development research and business - whether they are a master of sustainability in their line of work or master’s student! A new episode is released every Wednesday! 📬 Email: info@masterpods.eu 📷 Instagram: @the_master_pods 🔗 LinkedIn: The Master Pods