S02 E10: Director of Housing and Social Services in Zambia, what's that like? With Danny Chibinda

Hey friends, what would you do if you saw waste pile up and crime rates skyrocket in your community? Would you take action? Danny Chibinda did. And his programs were so successful that they were adopted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)! This week, Danny inspires us with his work that has helped significantly improve living conditions and welfare as the Director of Housing and Social Services in Lusaka, Zambia. We hope you enjoy this week’s episode as much as we did!

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We interview masters of sustainable development research and business - whether they are a master of sustainability in their line of work or master’s student! A new episode is released every Wednesday! 📬 Email: info@masterpods.eu 📷 Instagram: @the_master_pods 🔗 LinkedIn: The Master Pods