The Mastering Show #31 - What IS loudness ?

Everybody wants their music to sound loud. But does it need to be loud in order to sound loud ? What does that mean ? Well, it takes us about 30 minutes to really nail the answer to that question in this Dynamic Range Day themed episode, but we get there eventually - and we cover some pretty interesting ground along the way ! For example: * How to make things sound loud without making them (much) louder * The trick of balancing loud and quiet songs against each other * When to turn things down * What is "loudness potential" ? * How to get the right balance of loudness before mastering * The most common loudness issue Ian faces when mastering, and * The 100% successful strategy he uses to solve it Full show notes Dynamic Range Day Dynameter

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This is the show where we cover all aspects of mastering. If you're interested in mastering, want to learn how to get better results mastering your own music, or even want to be a mastering engineer, this is the show you want to hear.