9. Part II - Fabio Chiaramonte CTO at GymCraft and Chief of Moonshots at Cinque Monti Venture Builder‪

Today's episode is a bit unique. As a series we haven't completed even 10 episodes yet, and we are already bringing on our first repeat guest! A few weeks back, we hosted Fabio Chiaramonte,  Chief Technology Officer at a startup called GymCraft. Among other stories, he shared with us the crazy events behind the first amount of seed money he raised. It was fascinating stuff, but we also had a time limit and didn't get to hear about his current passion which is his Venture Builder called Cinque Monti. Venture Builders are kind of like startup accelerators, but with a slightly different model, something we will learn about on today's episode!

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The MBA Is Dead is a new podcast aimed at exploring the worlds of entrepreneurship, innovation, and business incubation. Some episodes will be interviews, some will be more instructional, but all will be fun! Join me, your host, Eric Brotto in this journey through the ever-changing landscape of innovation and technology.