Episode 53: No Girls Allowed

Catherine de' Medici has just married into the monarchy of France, arguably the oldest surviving Catholic Christian monarchy in Europe. So it's a good time to ask the question that would shape Catherine's life: how was it that a monarchy that barred women and their children from the crown also had a long history of powerful women guiding it?  Check out pictures, bibliographies, and more at http://www.medicipodcast.com. Support the podcast on Patreon.

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The Medici might not have the decadent drama of the Borgias, but they took center stage in the story of the formation of the modern Western world, from helping mold the Renaissance to trying to quell the Protestant Reformation to sponsoring and then trying to help shut up Galileo. This podcast looks at the story of the Medici and that of the fractured, tumultuous Italy they carved out a place in. Join us to see how a clan of middle-class bankers would up joining the ranks of European royalty and leaving a mark on the world. Website: https://medicipodcast.com/ Venmo: @ Chad-Denton-15