Cassie Thornton: The Hologram

This week I chatted with Cassie Thornton and her work 'The Hologram'. The Hologram is a viral, social technology to help us to give and receive peer to peer support for our health. Health here being the biopsychosocial model of health that we've covered in previous episodes. It's such an excellent, simple, and radical idea and is rooted in solidarity and community building. A workbook for how to create your own Hologram, and why it's necessary, has been published by Pluto Press I read it a few weeks ago and found it really interesting and wanted you to know about it. Join us in our Patreon to hear the full version of this conversation (another 25 mins) where we talk about consent, friendships, masculinities, and self-care and podcasts.

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Podcasts about culture, sex, and relationships. From Justin Hancock. Home of the 'Meg-John & Justin' archive.