Katherine Angel: Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again

This has been out and available on the Patreon feed for a few days now, so you've been denied the freshest of takes until now. If you want to hear future episodes early and in full, then please support the Patreon. I was delighted to be joined by Katherine Angel to chat about her latest book Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again. We had to rely on the zoom recording so sorry about the occasional blip in the background. We chatted about the main themes of her book: consent, desire, arousal, and vulnerability. We also chatted a little bit about my book Can We Talk About Consent and compared notes about how a more bottom up approach to understanding sex might be possible. We covered the topic of sexual violence but we didn't go into any detail. It was a really interesting and engrossing chat and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Katherine's book is on sale wherever you get your books. You can also buy direct from the publishers here where it's on sale atm. https://www.versobooks.com/books/3743-tomorrow-sex-will-be-good-again Get yourself a Comrade tote back to carry it in while you're there. You can also get my book from this indie bookshop as well as any others https://uk.bookshop.org/books/can-we-talk-about-consent/9780711256545 We also mentioned my book with Meg-John which is now known as A Practical Guide to Sex https://uk.bookshop.org/books/a-practical-guide-to-sex-finally-helpful-sex-advice/9781785783876 If you want to chat about the show with likeminded listeners (and also support the show) please support the Patreon from just £1 a month and you can access our Discord server. And if you have any questions for an upcoming advice episode do send them to me via here in the direct message option or email to culturesexrelationships at gmail dot com Justin

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Podcasts about culture, sex, and relationships. From Justin Hancock. Home of the 'Meg-John & Justin' archive. https://linktr.ee/culturesexrel