UK Sex Ed And Me

Sex Ed in the UK and Me Our wonderful Patrons have had this for a few days already. Why not join them from just £1 a month? Suggest shows, join the Patreon, DM me directly and get 10% off my coaching service ... This one is about a brief history of sex ed in the UK over the last hundred years or so. Part way through I tell my story of how I got into doing this job in 1998 / 1999 in order to tell an autoethnography which illuminates the problems which sex ed, sexual health services, and youth services have faced over the years. I think it reveals something interesting about what culture war and austerity have done and how this may result in a doubling down on a narrow sex ed which doesn’t seem to serve anyone. Here’s the Department for Education 1943 document I read from I relied on ‘School sex education: policy and practice in England 1870 to 2000’ by Jane Pilcher The Politics of Sex Education Policy in England and Wales and The Netherlands since the 1980s JANE LEWIS and TRUDIE KNIJN Seventy years of sex education in Health Education Journal: a critical review Padmini Iyer and Peter Aggleton Here’s a useful document about sexual pleasure in RSE and that Pleasure leaflet debacle I was talking about And you might be interested in this blog of mine I did last year about the state of RSE in the UK Send in your questions / support the show / find things to buy here

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Podcasts about culture, sex, and relationships. From Justin Hancock. Home of the 'Meg-John & Justin' archive.