What (else) Do Orgasms Do?

I thought I'd do a reading of a couple of my articles from BISH that I've written about orgasms and then have an adult and theoretical rambling about them. They demonstrate really nicely how gendered sex discourses have produced orgasms in a very narrow (territorialised) way, and how unlearning our sexual knowledges is the key to enjoying it a bit more, but also has some micropolitical implications. Here are the articles https://www.bishuk.com/bodies/how-do-i-know-when-ive-had-an-orgasm/ https://www.bishuk.com/sex/what-is-gooning/ If you do have any questions for me, here are the links you need https://linktr.ee/culturesexrel Justin

Om Podcasten

Podcasts about culture, sex, and relationships. From Justin Hancock. Home of the 'Meg-John & Justin' archive. https://linktr.ee/culturesexrel