73. How to Navigate the Inner Winter of Grief in Menopause (Krista O’Reilly-Davi-Digui)

This conversation moved me deeply. Teacher and writer Krista O’Reilly Davi-Digui explores what it is to be a brave and beautiful human in progress, particularly in the messy middle of life, and especially living inside a grief and trauma illiterate culture. In 2019, when Krista was in the midst of the ‘Quickening’ of perimenopause she lost her son Jairus to suicide. In this conversation, she shares generously about the inner winter of her grief journey, how it intersected with her m...

Om Podcasten

How can menstrual cycle awareness and conscious menopause enhance your health, creativity and leadership? That's the question we'll explore together in the Menstruality Podcast, brought to you by Red School, where we’re training the menstruality leaders of the future. Your host, Sophie Jane Hardy will be joined often by Red School’s founders, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, as well as pioneering thought leaders, troublemakers and culture-shifters to discover how you can unashamedly claim the power of the menstrual cycle to activate your unique form of leadership; for yourself, your community, and the world.