UP habitat improvements, GEMS birding and preventing conflicts with bears

In this episode of the Wildtalk Podcast, we talk about habitat projects happening in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, fly away with a discussion about birding on Grouse Enhanced Management Sites (GEMS), and dive into tips on avoiding conflicts with black bears this spring. Episode Hosts: Hannah Schauer and Rachel Leightner Producer/editor: Eric Hilliard Assistant producer/editor: Caleb Edge All things habitat Portage Marsh State Wildlife AreaAu Train State Wildlife Management AreaWild...

Om Podcasten

The Wildtalk Podcast is a production of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division. On the Wildtalk Podcast, representatives of the Wildlife Division chew the fat and shoot the scat about all things habitat, feathers, and fur. With insights, interviews, and listener questions answered on the air, you'll come away with a better picture of what's happening in the world of Michigan's wildlife. Thank you for listening. Email questions to: dnr-wildlife@michigan.gov or call 517-284-9453