Richard Arnold: US Correspondent on Sean "Diddy" Combs sex trafficking charges and bail package

Music mogul Sean "Diddy" Combs has pleaded not guilty to a list of sex trafficking charges.  The 54-year-old was arrested in Manhattan by federal agents yesterday, following a year in which his career was derailed by several lawsuits accusing him of physical and sexual abuse.  New York Attorney Damien Williams alleges Combs created and ran a "criminal enterprise” through his business empire.  He says he ran sex performances, which he called 'freak offs', for days at a time.  US Correspondent Richard Arnold told Mike Hosking that prosecutors are opposing bail for Combs, but his lawyers have submitted a note to the judge saying that he’s never evaded, avoided, eluded, or run from a challenge in his life.   He said they’re offering an extensive bail package has been offered, including a $50 million bond, the passports of his daughters and mother, the equity of his home and his mother’s place in Florida, and home detention with GPS monitoring.   LISTEN ABOVE See for privacy information.

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