#60 -Raj Sanghvi: Robotic VS Digital Process Automation - What's The Best Choice For Your Business?

Raj Sanghvi, the founder and CEO of Bitcot, discusses the impact of automation, AI, and software development on business efficiency. Raj shares insights on RPA (Robotic Process Automation) and DPA (Digital Process Automation) and highlights the benefits of leveraging technology to empower and scale businesses. The conversation also covers the practical use of AI, the importance of embracing automation, and the role of technology in business growth and efficiency. In this episode you'll learn: The difference between Robotic and Digital Process Automation. Why process mining is crucial for identifying automation opportunities and optimizing business processes. How RPA can transform e-commerce operations, from inventory management to customer service. Tips for choosing the right automation tools

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Welcome to the Million Dollar Sellers Podcast hosted by MDS Member Nick Shucet. In this podcast you’ll learn how these amazing E-Commerce entrepreneurs got started, the mistakes they made along the way, the wins they have celebrated and where they are now.