Ep 117: Legacy Over Resume: Creating A Wealth Team & Mindset w/ George Acheampong

In this show, George Acheampong shares all his money, wealth, and growth tips in one of the smoothest 75 minutes you will ever listen to. If you are looking to grow financially and as a person then this episode is the 1 for you. #CLASSIC Find George Here: Web: https://georgeacheampong.com Clothing Web: https://melaninmoney.com Investing: https://capitalwize.co Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/georgeacheampongjr This show is sponsored by RecDiv and Scotch Porter. www.Recdiv.com www.ScotchPorter.com

Om Podcasten

The Minority Trailblazer is a weekly podcast posted every Thursday hosted by Greg E. Hill (www.GregEHill.com). This podcast is dedicated to minorities who are blazing a trail in a variety of industries such as education, business, comedy, entrepreneurship, etc. My goal is to share their stories in hopes to inspire, educate, and ultimately encourage others to live with purpose and passion.