Ep 80: How One Senior Turned Rejection into 11 Job Offers & $40,000 Hackathon Prize w/ Brandon Long

On this episode I share the story of North Carolina A&T Senior Brandon L. Long. Who has worked for NASA, Apple, Sams, Oracle and now Microsoft. We share the good, bad, and the ugly of one of Americas future leaders in Technology. Find Brandon Here: Web: www.brandonllong.com/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/devbrandonllong/ Instagram: www.instagram.com/brandonllong_/ Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/devbrandonlong/

Om Podcasten

The Minority Trailblazer is a weekly podcast posted every Thursday hosted by Greg E. Hill (www.GregEHill.com). This podcast is dedicated to minorities who are blazing a trail in a variety of industries such as education, business, comedy, entrepreneurship, etc. My goal is to share their stories in hopes to inspire, educate, and ultimately encourage others to live with purpose and passion.