Ep 99.5: Breaking News: Live Podcast in Durham & Capital Improvement Fund Announcement

Saturday, January 5th we will host the 100th episode LIVE in Durham, NC from 4-7 pm at the American Underground. The event is free and I promise for it will motivate you to start 2019 on fire! Also, for my faithful listeners. I need your support as we look to level up the Minority Trailblazer Community in 2019. The goal is to raise $5,000 and the information below will provide all the details. Let's Change The Culture Invest in Podcast: http://bit.ly/MTCIFund Live Podcast Info: http://bit.ly/mtplive100

Om Podcasten

The Minority Trailblazer is a weekly podcast posted every Thursday hosted by Greg E. Hill (www.GregEHill.com). This podcast is dedicated to minorities who are blazing a trail in a variety of industries such as education, business, comedy, entrepreneurship, etc. My goal is to share their stories in hopes to inspire, educate, and ultimately encourage others to live with purpose and passion.