🗓A brief history of device identification - with David Philippson, co-founder and CEO of DataSeat💭

Our guest today is David Philippson, CEO of DataSeat, which offers in-house programmatic capabilities and a custom bidding algorithm to app advertisers. David earlier founded one of the first MMPs, Ad-X Tracking, which they sold to Criteo in 2013. We’re excited to host David because he’s seen the evolution of tracking on mobile from the very early days. He’s had a ringside view into the forces that have driven change over the years that have ultimately led us to the impending IDFA depre...

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Welcome to the Mobile User Acquisition Show, in which we talk about how to use mobile user acquisition strategies to grow your app quickly and capital-efficiently. Each episode includes strategies, tips and pointers from the leading edge of mobile user acquisition that can help you unlock tremendous growth for your app.The Mobile User Acquisition Show is produced by the team at RocketShip HQ. With 8 figure UA spends managed and over 10,000 ads produced, we deliver profitable growth for breakthrough B2C apps & help them navigate the brave new world of privacy-first, post-identifier marketing. See also: our live workshop series on marketing in a post-identifier world: https://mobilegrowthlab.com/