Leading Math Instruction with Make Math Moments

On this week's pod, Karen and Christy chat with Kyle Pearce and Jon Orr, the math instructional experts behind MakeMathMoments.com.  You'll find: - the best thing a principal can do to improve math instruction - the importance of content knowledge - offerings from Kyle and Jon that can help your school Check them out here: www.makemathmoments.com - Math Math Moments Academy, District Improvement Planning, Courses https://makemathmoments.com/podcast/ - Make Math Moments Podcast https://makemathmoments.com/districtassessment/  - Mathematics Program Assessment Screener for Leadership Teams Kyle is the K-12 Mathematics Consultant with the Greater Essex County District School Board and Jon is a high school math teacher at John McGregor Secondary School in the Lambton-Kent District School Board in Ontario Canada. Together, they co-founded Make Math Moments where they develop professional development and classroom resources for K-12 educators and district leaders to spark curiosity, fuel sense making and ignite teacher moves.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Modern Principal Podcast! We are Karen and Christy, two elementary principals reshaping education. We discuss practical strategies for doing the job while reforming the system.