Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Episode 489

The world feels pretty heavy right now, and doom-scrolling doesn’t help. Today Meagan and Sarah talk about the tricky balance between staying informed as global citizens and not letting it all overwhelm us. We look at how overwhelm can lead to inaction and, on the flip side, how taking small actions – especially in our local communities – can provide a sense of purpose and even hope. Plus, we’ve got some practical ideas on how you can make a real difference in your community. Join us! HELPFUL LINKS:Interested in donating blood? Start here.Episodes From The Archives You May Enjoy:Headlines, Heartache & Helping: Episode 124More Than Mom: Social MediaReal Vs. Artificial (And How We Help Our Kids Tell The Difference)Rethinking Instagram: Episode 456OTHER HELPFUL LINKS:Visit our websiteCheck out deals from our partnersFollow us on InstagramJoin our private listener group on Facebook (be sure to answer the membership questions!)Sign up for our newsletter See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

Om Podcasten

Co-hosts Meagan Francis and Sarah Powers have eight kids between them, little to grown. Weekly conversations offer practical tips and real-life encouragement for moms who want to enjoy motherhood more, and cut back on comparison, worry, and stress. We’re not experts, we’re moms who’ve been there. We’re not perfect, we’re real. Welcome to The Mom Hour.