Resist The Urge!
Gedit, Gedit Friday! Happy Friday Shifters!... Today the boys play World Flag Bingo where they have to decide who from each world flag is the most famous person determined by AI and the category for this round is, most famous pop cultural person... Coldplay is in town this week and 3 lucky boys went to see them live and they left with an extra spring in their step and less weight on their shoulders... and mind tricks, the year is almost up Shifters, here's how you can trick your mind to keep going and not switch off!... Hit that link below to stay caught up with anything and everything TMS. We dropped some merch! Use TMS for 10% off. Here is the link: Thank you to the team at Chemist Warehouse for helping us keep the lights on, here at The Morning Shift... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit