Show 233 - Whatever It Takes...
Mahi Monday! MAFS fans... Do we have a special show for you! The one and only, Lucinda joins us!... What is your greatest fast food combo??... We are on the hunt for our Cinderella in, Cinderella or Fellaaaa... and have you ever sent a message on Instagram that you would have done anything to have been able to edit it after sending?... We cover everything sports from the weekend that was with, The 2XU Sports Wrap presented by And for our second installment of Sussed, Sorted, Shifting, Donna Robinson from the Sorted team came in to talk about her journey about how crippling debt can be... and how she managed to get on top and stay on top using the tools... .. Listen to the full podcast now on Spotify or where ever you listen... "TMS Sussed, Sorted, Shifting" and head to for all the budgeting tools mentioned. We've dropped some merch! Use TMS for 10% off. Here's the link: Thank you to the team at Chemist Warehouse for helping us keep the lights on, here at The Morning Shift... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit