TMS 2519: Mary Steamversion

Some people's mufky fufky is a sloppy joe. Beef Loaf. Jewish Wolverine is Shnict. Supernatural Pudding. Barbie Oppenheimer Checks In! I can't say that definition of sloppy joe. Is Meatloaf Sandwich in Urban Dictionary cos I like really wanted to know. Roulette is horrible. Eat More Spagaragus! Poop On A Plane! Turning up my headphones to drown out the stink. Paw Patrol Porn Packaging. This window hurts in perpetuity. *chikachikachika* I'M A WRITER! Lite Bright therapy with Wendi and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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The Morning Stream, Mon thru Thurs, every morning, with Scott Johnson and the Frogpants Network. News, culture, politices and talk each and every day! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.