TMS 2570: Holiday Nog

Blue Crotch! Brought to you by Vicks. So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen ex-wife. moisten your reed. Getting drilled with an eggplant. Oopma Loompas... Why'd it have to be Oopma Loompas? Parental Discretion Face. Timothy Shalladunaway. Beaver Ruin. Crotchaseptic. Hat-a-dashery. Sorry for the Maggots. Buy Milk & Have Fun Doing It. Prison sentences now 20% off! Crime doesn't pay when it's on Sale. Series S Socks With Stephen and more on this episode of The Morning Stream. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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The Morning Stream, Mon thru Thurs, every morning, with Scott Johnson and the Frogpants Network. News, culture, politices and talk each and every day! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.