198: I'm Obsessed w My BFF (w PEN15's Anna Konkle and Maya Erskine)

The magic and intensity of middle school BFFs. Featuring Pen15’s Maya Erskine and Anna Konkle. For more episodes adolescent friendship, check out 172 about imaginary friends and 101, where a girl’s best friend is a TV movie. Need something that’s fun and bonding to do with your BFF’s? Order our new party game, “I Can’t Believe I Did That!” Then play it over zoom! For more Maya and Anna, check out Season 2 of Pen15 now streaming on Hulu.

Om Podcasten

The Mortified Podcast is a storytelling series where adults share the embarrassing things they created as kids—diaries, letters, lyrics & beyond—in front of total strangers. PS: It totally likes you. The Mortified Podcast is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX. Learn more at radiotopia.fm.   ------------------- // CREDITS: Podcast produced and hosted by Neil Katcher and David Nadelberg. Stage show created by David Nadelberg. Learn more: GetMortified.com.   // TV: Watch our concert film, Mortified Nation, and our 6-part mini series, The Mortified Guide, now on Tubi and other platforms.   // BOOKS: We've also got a guided journal, My Mortified Life, that prompts you to compare your life to your childhood self.  We've also got 2 Mortified anthologies.   // GAME: Check out our confessional card game, I Can't Believe I Did That.   // KIDS SHOWS: We also made an awesome podcast for kids 9-13 called Ooh You're in Trouble. It's kind of like we made Mortified Jr. Each episode features a true story about a moment when someone broke a rule growing up, and what happened when they did. It's an educational and comedic series that delivers exciting stories while helping kid's define their sense of ethics.