MOMENT | Your hidden power - how motherhood secretly upgrades your brain with Chelsea Conaboy

This Moment is with health and science journalist and mother of two, Chelsea Conaboy. Chelsea has done 1000s of hours of research into the science of what happens to your brain when you become a parent. What she finds is quite incredible, and it is all in her new book, Mother brain, how neuroscience is rewriting the story of motherhood. I hope you find this Moment supportive, and if you want to catch the full episode, click here. COME VISIT MOTHERKIND ON INSTAGRAM INSTAGRAM: @zoeblaskey - come engage with Zoe and our community over on Instagram for inspiration, tips, and sometimes a bit of humour to get us through our day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Motherhood is incredible. It's also incredibly challenging, especially with the high pressured, fast paced world we live in today. The Motherkind Podcast hosted by Motherkind founder and coach Zoe Blaskey, is on a mission to bring you some of the best wellbeing teachers in the world to help you find your calm, happy place in the madness of modern mum life. Each episode features a different teacher from the world of self-development and wellbeing or a mum on a path of self-enquiry. We cover everything from how to stay calm in a toddler meltdown, to dealing with anxiety, to self care and simple tools to help you have a better day.