MMP 26: The Importance of Mindset

For a limited time, you can still download my new book, Motorcycle Smarts: Overcome Fear, Learn Control, Master Riding Well. But hurry, once I send it to the publisher, I won’t be able to do this. You can find it at And please share the link above with your riding friends. I want to give the book away to as many riders as possible BEFORE it goes on sale.  In this episode, I discuss the importance of having the right mindset. Because without it, you’ll never be better than an average rider—with average chances of crashing. What you think matters to your riding safety. —David

Om Podcasten

Do you feel guilty for wanting to ride a motorcycle? Do you have a fear that overcomes you when you ride? Do you want to enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you’re doing everything possible NOT to leave your family alone? Join David Mixson, author of the "Motorcycle Smarts" book series (and NASA engineer), as he explains the sport of motorcycling his way. Whether you’re just thinking about riding or have been riding for decades, this is for you. Learn about rider-induced lowside and highside crashes: what are they, what triggers them, and how can you avoid them. David also shares some of the tips from his book “Motorcycle Smarts.” This show is a mix of how to ride proficiently, how to take ownership of your riding safety, and how to reduce your chances of crashing. David covers lighthearted topics like “The Motorcycle Wave” … and more serious topics like “The Low Information Rider.” Hit subscribe and reduce your chances of crashing.