MMP 34: Motorcycle Dream Ride Book Is Live!

In today’s session, I share something big in my life. In 2015, Mike and I ventured to do something we weren’t sure was possible.  We rode our motorcycles from Alabama to Alaska and back. I was so moved by the experience that I wrote a book about it—and I just released it for sale on Amazon. Motorcycle Dream Ride does more than document our ride, and it’s not just for riders. It unpacks what really happened along the way—and how the people we met changed us. For a limited time, I’m making the paperback version available at a discounted price. If you have Kindle Unlimited, I’m making the Kindle version available for free. Here’s a link for the book: I’ll unpack the book in more detail later, but I wanted you to know about the introductory price.  And thanks to all the beta readers who helped me do a final edit on the book. I used some of your feedback in the “Reader Reviews” section in the front of the book. I’m humbled. Motorcycle Dream Ride is the second book in the Motorcycle Smarts Book Series. —David

Om Podcasten

Do you feel guilty for wanting to ride a motorcycle? Do you have a fear that overcomes you when you ride? Do you want to enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you’re doing everything possible NOT to leave your family alone? Join David Mixson, author of the "Motorcycle Smarts" book series (and NASA engineer), as he explains the sport of motorcycling his way. Whether you’re just thinking about riding or have been riding for decades, this is for you. Learn about rider-induced lowside and highside crashes: what are they, what triggers them, and how can you avoid them. David also shares some of the tips from his book “Motorcycle Smarts.” This show is a mix of how to ride proficiently, how to take ownership of your riding safety, and how to reduce your chances of crashing. David covers lighthearted topics like “The Motorcycle Wave” … and more serious topics like “The Low Information Rider.” Hit subscribe and reduce your chances of crashing.