Puerto Rican Debt Crisis with Manuel Venero

Army veteran and comrade Manuel Venero explains the Puerto Rican Debt crisis and the colonial relationship between the Island and the Empire. Also, Puppets.Support the Show.Support The Movements on Patreon Subscribe to the Podcast Apple Podcasts Google Spotify Stitcher Twitter @movementspod Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/movementspod)

Om Podcasten

The Movements is a podcast history of the working class, anti-fascists, revolutionaries, women, people of color, and liberation movements. My history shows are narrative driven and audiobook style, with a focus on historical analysis from a Marxist perspective. History Eps = Scripted Drama, Scholarly AnalysisStallin' For Time Shows = Opinion, Cuss WordsSupport the show by donating at https://www.patreon.com/movementspod