You're Nick F**CKIN Cage!: Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

No, I didn't misspell Nic Cage because the movie we watched this week is about Nick Cage! We finally dive into this beautiful, meta, comedy, action film! Is this movie as good as it looks, or did the gimmick wear thin? Is the bloom off the rose for Cage? Does Pedro Pascal deserve the pop he's been having? Did Nic Cage actually stop by to fill us in on some preproduction rumors? Listen now to find out! NAMINSPACE.

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The podcast that explores the mind of a grown-ass man who hasn't seen any quintessential EPIC movies for NO DAMN reason! In each episode, your host Chase and Totally Normal Dude Bryce will discuss a classic movie that Bryce has just seen for the first time. Follow us on instagram/facebook/twitter @themoviegap and let us know your recast!