Episode 104: The Amazing Instagram Story....Story....
Do you currently use Instagram stories/lives to promote yourself? Did you know it can be a really great way to reach people who DON'T follow you? Did you know it's also a great way for you to make money if you're consistent with showing up? I discovered a unique way to meet new people and increase revenue through the use of Instagram stories/lives and want to share it with you! Check out this episode of the MIB podcast to hear how you can take advantage of this. 👊🏻 "The most important word that I can teach you guys is "reciprocity" " - Rick Barker What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast?*** Send an email to podcast@musicindustryblueprint.com With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information Resources: Grab a FREE Copy of my book "$150,000 Music Degree" MusicIndustryBlueprint.com Free Training “How To Become A Social Media Ninja In Under An Hour.” Click HERE If you're listening after January 24, 2019 & Want the Free Training! Artist Assessment with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Soundcloud RickBarker.com Contact: podcast@musicindustryblueprint.com for a chance to be a guest on the MIB podcast show