Episode 201: The Linktree App Has New Awesome Features. Interview with Alex Zaccaria

In the episode, Rick speaks with Alex Zaccaria from Linktr.ee. Linktree is such a powerful tool and they discuss some of the new updates and best practices. If you are not familiar with it, it is an app that allows you to take full advantage of only being able to use one link on Instagram. Get free membership here:  Linktr.ee Get free resources at www.rickbarker.com 

Om Podcasten

The Music Industry Blueprint Podcast is consistently rated as one of the Top Music Business Podcasts. Hosted by Taylor Swift's Former Manager Rick Barker. Rick is known for his straightforward and honest approach when it comes to the Music Business. This weekly podcast is designed to help keep you up to date with what is happening in the world of music and the latest trends when it comes to digital marketing. Rick, also has a Subscriber ONLY Podcast that comes out daily called the "MIB Secret Society." You can subscribe at www.rickbarker.com/secret