Episode 99: Making Sure Your First Impression Has An Impact

If I asked you what your elevator pitch is, would you have something prepared? If so, what would it be? Have you ever been stuck with two events/speakers scheduled at the same time and wondered how you could best take advantage of that situation? Have you ever heard of Mentor Cafes? Do you wonder how you could be memorable in a positive way? Listen to this episode of the MIB podcast to hear me discuss these topics and give you my advice.  👍🏻  Here is the original email I mention: "Hi Rick! Clara here :)  I'm attending two music conferences back-to-back next month, and am looking to make the most of the opportunities.   Do you have any tips in regards to - Elevator pitches? - Deciding which event to attend when there are two you really want to attend scheduled at the same time? - Mentor Cafés / 1-on-1 meetings with industry heavy hitters? - Being memorable (in a good way?)   Thank you in advance!   - Clara" “Do your homework beforehand. Be professional. Look sharp.” - Rick Barker (on conferences) What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast?*** Send an email to podcast@musicindustryblueprint.com With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information  Resources: CMW Canadian Music Week (May 9-12)  CD Baby DIY Musician Conference (August 16-19) Free Training “How To Become A Social Media Ninja In Under An Hour.” Click HERE If you're listening after January 24, 2019 & Want the Free Training! Artist Assessment with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Soundcloud RickBarker.com Contact: podcast@musicindustryblueprint.com for a chance to be a guest on the MIB podcast show

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The Music Industry Blueprint Podcast is consistently rated as one of the Top Music Business Podcasts. Hosted by Taylor Swift's Former Manager Rick Barker. Rick is known for his straightforward and honest approach when it comes to the Music Business. This weekly podcast is designed to help keep you up to date with what is happening in the world of music and the latest trends when it comes to digital marketing. Rick, also has a Subscriber ONLY Podcast that comes out daily called the "MIB Secret Society." You can subscribe at www.rickbarker.com/secret