David Bullies a Bully + Kicking people when they're down

This week we're discussing why old people have zero fucks to give. And is that something that happens to all of us, do we get more embarrassing as we grow older? Also, David has a story about a person at his university that exploited the chance of feeling bullied. This Podcast is sponsored by Betterhelp. Go to https://betterhelp.com/themustards for 10% off your first month with discount code Simple Habit: Go to http://simplehabit.com/themustards to get 30% off Premium Subscription for the first 50 listeners. Check Out Our New Merch: https://themustards.co/shop Join Our Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/2T4zQ3G Listen To Our New Swedish Podcast:  Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2UfsNBm iTunes: https://apple.co/2Wk6Ra1 Let us know your thoughts @themustards_ on instagram Check Out Jenny's Channel: http://bit.ly/2iBaKo9 Buy Jenny's book here: US: https://amzn.to/2IJpJrA UK: https://amzn.to/2JuyIBB DE: https://amzn.to/2MgpYg8 WORLDWIDE SHIPPING !!! love // jenny & david For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy

Om Podcasten

Jenny and David Mustard – the couple who's made a career out of yapping. Few people have before talked so much about topics so random. Prepare yourself for an abundance of coffee-induced reality depictions from the bubble that is influencer-hipster-London. Jenny Mustard is the popular fashion youtuber and author behind epic videos such as 'Why I Don't want Kids' and 'Why I don't have Eyebrows'. Jenny and David are also running the Swedish podcast called simply 'Jenny och David'.