sorry for skipping last week's podcast episode, we're trying to get into something of a holiday mode and take it easy. it was heartwarming that so many of you got in touch and complained about our absence ^.^ in this episode we discuss how, why, and when it's a good idea to let go of society's norms and demands, and simply decide for yourself what your life should look like. we talk about : – why do we care so bloody much about what other people think !? – what is an alternative lifestyle ? – how do you know if you don't fit in ? – something we kind of hate : group mentality ! - being criticised for you lifestyle ! - creating yourself by going online ? and of course, it wouldn’t feel like tuesday without david’s semi-funny anecdote about people we don’t know : this week is about the weird experience of listening to what all them super fit LA people talk about on their sunday afternoon hike ! For information regarding your data privacy, visit

Om Podcasten

Jenny and David Mustard – the couple who's made a career out of yapping. Few people have before talked so much about topics so random. Prepare yourself for an abundance of coffee-induced reality depictions from the bubble that is influencer-hipster-London. Jenny Mustard is the popular fashion youtuber and author behind epic videos such as 'Why I Don't want Kids' and 'Why I don't have Eyebrows'. Jenny and David are also running the Swedish podcast called simply 'Jenny och David'.